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El Poder De La Pausa

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In a world that forces us to react with breakneck speed, we often think that we have no alternative but to decide with urgency, even though without the necessary tools at hand. But this is not the only path. With decades of experience of businesses and public and private institutions, Nance has developed a method that has resulted in success for thousands of people around the world. Its basic premise is to opt for a pause (a day, an hour, even a few seconds) before committing to a plan of action, which helps in controlling our time and options. Pausing helps in resolving conflicts, responding to a crisis, exercising leadership with teams, or establishing more productive and lasting alliances. This book presents informational tools, analysis, and collaboration in successfully meeting your goals. The power of the pause is a very useful tool in these times of change.

Nance Guilmartin


204 Paginas

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